Thursday, September 04, 2008

Confederacy of Dunces and my juvenile sense of humor

Walt Disney World, which is not far from where I live, puts on an annual Christian rock festival it calls Night of Joy.
In the great New Orleans novel Confederacy of Dunces, the Night of Joy is a French Quarter strip club where dim-witted Darlene works on her "exotic" dance routine involving a cockatoo; a tipsy Irene Reilly sells her hat to vintage clothing dealer Dorian Greene; Lana Lee masterminds her illegal porno ring; and janitor Burma Jones plots the sabotage that will bring this wacky house of cards tumbling down.
(Snicker snicker snicker.)

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

Great post! I'm teaching Confederacy in my theory class this semester. It's a welcome break from Saussure and Jakobson.--K