Sunday, June 10, 2007

What Writers Recommend

What do writers read? It's an interesting enough question that two summer reading news stories have recently asked that question.
In New York magazine, Benjamin Kunkel, author of the wonderful whimsical-yet-serious debut novel Indecision, recommends Mortals by Norman Rush. Mortals is a sequel to an interesting novel called Mating that my book group read last year. Both "Mating" and "Mortals" are about American intellectuals and government workers in Botswana. Kunkel's novel "Indecision" has slightly similar themes of Americans and their place in their international scene, but "Indecision" is more youthful and zany, while "Mating" was serious and a teensy bit pretentious (but kind of enjoyably so). The whole New York package on summer reading is pretty interesting and worth looking at.
Meanwhile, the NYT has a big roundup of what famous authors are reading. I was pleased to see Stephen King recommend Then We Came To The End. I loved that book, I think it deserves a wider audience.

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