Thursday, December 14, 2006

Hemingway, the Bible, Burroughs

A round-up of my recent reading...
The Washington Post has a delightful feature called Second Reads where they reconsider neglected or notable books. This week's installment was on Ernest Hemingway's A Moveable Feast. The critic Jonathan Yardley says the book is great but Hemingway was cruel to some of his friends in it. I definitely agree with the first part, not so much the second, though. I don't buy F. Scott Fitzgerald as some poor innocent thing.
The New Yorker has a fun take-out on the perennial best-seller, the Bible. There's even one version designed to look like Teen Magazine. Who knew?
Vanity Fair looks at the real-life family behind Augusten Burroughs' memoir Running with Scissors. They're suing, of course, because Burroughs' book made them look like the king freaks of the century. The story is not online, but Burroughs fanatics should check it out. It makes you feel bad for the grown kids, aka the Finches, to have their personal lives put on display. But frighteningly, it sounds like much of Burroughs' story is true.

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