Sunday, December 03, 2006

Harper Lee biography

I feel a little guilty for reading the Harper Lee biography Mockingbird. I saw the author, Charles J. Shields, speak at the Festival of Reading here. He was wonderful and seemed like a true gentleman. But he freely admitted that Harper Lee asked him not to publish the book. She hates media attention.
On the other hand, I truly believe that To Kill a Mockingbird is one of the most important books of the 20th century. A good biography of its author will serve history and posterity well. And Mockingbird is an excellent book, it captures the fascinating literary milieu of New York in the 1950s and 1960s.
One part of the book that sticks in my mind is Harper Lee's refusal of an interview with a television crew: "Not just no, but hell no." How emphatic she is!


.. said...

Harper Lee recently received an award from the Birmingham Pledge Foundation. She spoke to the assembled audience and met with hundreds of admirers that day.

Charles Shields did a great job with the book, but it left me wanting more!

Nelle Harper Lee is an awesome lady. Here are some photos and videos I took that night.

Angie said...

Thanks, Just Me! I looked at the video and your blog, it's very interesting. I agree, she is a grand lady.