Friday, January 23, 2009

Michelle Obama biography

Just to note it, here's a link to a review I wrote about a biography of Michelle Obama. Bottom line:
For researchers and investigators, (the book) is mostly a compendium of the known record, although Mundy gets bonus points for her easy-to-read prose style and for documenting her sources well in above-average end notes. For confirmed Michelle Obama fans or for those who are simply intrigued by a new first lady and would like to know more, Michelle is great night-table reading.
It was interesting writing this because I wanted to make sure I was just talking about the book and not veering off into extraneous commentary on Michelle Obama herself. My other goal was to summarize the book for the people who read reviews so they don't have to read the whole book.

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

I like this review--you do a great job!