Friday, July 22, 2005

Unhappy Families

One of my favorite opening lines for a novel is: "Happy families are all alike, but every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way." That's from Leo Tolstoy's Anna Karenina.
I'm in the midst of two novels about unhappy families. The first is "The Winter of Our Discontent" by John Steinbeck, the other is "Out" by Natsuo Kirino.
"Winter" is about a man of reduced circumstances whose wife and children don't think he makes enough money. He's about to do something desperate to try and make more money, I suspect. In "Out," a woman kills her husband for spending their life savings on prostitutes and gambling; her factory co-workers help her cover up the crime.
PS I'm visiting dear mama and her Internet connection is slooooooow, hence no groovy links on this post.

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