Thursday, December 09, 2004

Hot 100 X 2

The New York Times and The Washington Post have both published their lists of best books for 2004. Check them out here and here while they're still freely available.
I adore year-in-review lists. (And not just for books, I also like music and movies.) It's fun too see how many of the books I've read, and I get lots of ideas for what I want to read next.
On the other hand, the lists do give me that queasy feeling of being chronically underread. I think to myself, I'll never catch up! I try to accept this feeling and then move beyond it, because there are just too many books out there. No one, and I mean no one, will ever catch up. Get used to it!
For all you foodies out there, the NYT has also posted a section on the year's notable cookbooks. Check it out here for the time being.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What if you could read all those books? How queasy would it be if there was nothing left on the list?